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   Has anyone told you that the power to change lies within you? You hold not only that power, you also hold the key. You simply need to make choices that align with healing. 
   By accessing your subconscious mind during alpha or theta brain wave states. When you arrive in these states, you are able to more quickly find and alter your own thought patterns and beliefs. 

   Ritual is a powerful way to access your subconscious mind. With ritual, you create a container for the healing and transformation to occur. Ritual does not require adherence to any specific religious or spiritual belief, only the willingness to create a safe physical and energetic space around yourself in order to better access your own mind. 

Gifts for you!

Escape Guide
Make a plan

Cool the rage
Talk Tracks

Youtube Channel
Mini Meditations

4 Ritual Package:
- Heal the Mother Wound
- Release limiting beliefs
- Release your fears
- Expand Happiness



Pre-eclipse Sale 50% off with code Eclipse

Release Ritual
40 minute guided visualization with ritual instructions to heal and soothe the wounds you may have from your mother and maternal lineage.

Heal the mother wound


Release limiting beliefs


Release Ritual
25 minute guided visualization with ritual instructions to see and release your fears in a safe and protected space. Luxuriate in the feelings of safety you will create. 

Release your fears


Release Ritual
40 minute guided visualization with ritual instructions to examine and release any limiting beliefs you have picked up along the way.

Expand happiness


Manifestation Ritual
45 minute guided visualization with ritual instructions to release blocks to your happiness and joy, then embrace those emotions into your lived reality. 

Great questions. Let's hear what  people say after going through the visualizations.

Why visualize? What can I expect?

4 week Daily Practice Calendar
